Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sharon Says Hi

Last night and this morning, it was raining in Rochester. Sharon and Bob were going to an antiques flea market this afternoon provided the rain stopped.

She said she does not have many appointments this week. Tomorrow, she is scheduled for a blood test to see how much the transfusion helped. She meets with the psychologist on Wednesday.

Pat and her husband are scheduled to arrive late Wednesday evening. Pat also had to complete some additional blood tests this past week in preparation for the harvesting process.

Sharon had to find out from Pat if she has any type of allergies. Since Sharon will have Pat's immune system after the transplant, the doctors needed to be aware of any allergies she might have. Fortunately, Pat does not have any allergies. One less thing for Sharon to be concerned about.

The cardiologist told Sharon that her heart is in good shape to proceed as planned.

She also mentioned receiving cards from Operations, Renee, and Sally.

I have added a few pictures that Bob has taken since their arrival in Rochester. The first one was taken outside the Ronald McDonald House which is a couple of blocks away from the Gift of Life. The next one was inside their room. The others are views of different areas of the Gift of Life House.


  1. Got all the pics, thanks Bob. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.Jeannie Stevens said your are in her prayers and knows everything will be fine. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
    Love ya
    Gloria - Baby Sister (AKA Little brother)

  2. Hi Sharon,
    This my firt time blogging. Good Pics Bob.

  3. I wrote a long blog and then lost it all so I thought I would do a short one as a test. Sharon you are a tough ... chick just like me.
    You can look at your journey like a white water raft ride, just hang on tight, avoid the hazards, and hope for the best. I don't like it when bad things happen to good people. If God had asked me for my list--you would not be on it!!! Judy B.

  4. I love my mother!!!! I miss you very much and can't wait to see you. The house is a total wreck and don't tell dad, but I crashed the motorcycle. LOL!!!!! Take and we are both there in spirit and thoughts....

    Love your son

  5. Sharon, sure love you! The blog is great, can't wait for the updates. Have a good week, we are keeping up the prayers! Brian has been having lots of parites, the house is pink and your favotire neighbor has her car and truck for sale in your front yard! ha ha Lorraine

  6. Sending you greetings from St Thomas BVI. The weather here is sunny like your smile. Hang in there and talk Bob into going with us on a trip to a sunny spot. I am thinking about you even on vacation. JB
