Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Harvesting Begins

Sharon had an appointment today with another cardiologist. She was awaiting the test results from yesterday. She felt really tired. Her levels could be low and causing her to be so tired. If they are low, this will mean another transfusion.

She said that she slept a lot yesterday. Steve has gotten a cold. He had to stay in the hotel room and rest while Pat was at the hospital.

Pat had to be at the hospital at 7 a.m. Bob went to pick her up and take her to her appointment. This allowed Sharon to sleep in. The harvesting process takes five hours. They take the blood out from one arm, extract the stem cells and return the blood into the other arm. They will count the number of stem cells extracted and determine how many more they will need.

While visting the Mayo Mansion, Sharon fell and twisted her ankle. They had to spend a couple of hours at the emergency room to have it checked out. Thankfully, it was just a sprain. The doctor put her in an aircast. She said it was better today.

She and Bob are getting their exercise. They walk to the Mayo, as often as they can, which is about four or five blocks from the Gift of Life House. Sharon tires easily and has to stop occasionally to catch her breath. She is following doctor's orders though. She is supposed to be as active as she can.

Her appetite has returned somewhat. It is, at least, better than it has been. She has been eating well. She said that foods were even sounding good to her again.

1 comment:

  1. Mom talked to Brian and said everything went well.Called Pat and told her she hard "Very Fertile Stem Cells" Love ya and miss you both. Told Denny K about this blog. He is going to check it out.If there is anything call me!
