Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sharon has graduated to the next level which means she does not have to see the doctors as often. She is hoping to get another negative test this week for the CMV infection. She received one last week. If she is negative this week, she does not have to go to the hospital for IV medications. She will be able to take the medication in pill form.

Bob said this past week has been encouraging even though her counts have dropped some due to the CMV medication. She did need one unit of red blood and two units of platelets this past week. This is great news. She had been receiving platelets on a daily basis.

Sharon and Bob are meeting with Dr. Hogan and the entire team this week.

GOL House had a Halloween party. While many masks were worn, Bob said they were mainly the surgical variety due to the low immune systems of the patients. Sharon and Bob wore "costumes" that Brian and Keith brought them back from Disney World.

During Keith's visit, there was a woman at GOL frying SPAM. Keith does not do SPAM. In retaliation, he began cooking lutefisk. Can you image the smell? Lutefisk is a Scandinavian delicacy which literally means cod soaked in plutonium. While it is not truly soaked in plutonium, it is soaked in lye. If you don't know what lye is, it is an industrial chemical used as a drain cleaner. Anyone up for some SPAM and Lutefisk? I believe I will pass. Bob loved both.

Mary Stockdale, their favorite nurse, surprised Keith with a card and birthday cake. Keith's wish was to see snow while he was visiting. As you know from a previous post, his wish was granted. Mary was not happy about this. She cussed Keith all the while she was stuck driving in the blizzard. Bob and Sharon hadn't seen Mary for a couple of days. They learned that she lost a friend to breast cancer. Sharon and Bob send their love to Mary, her family and loved ones.

Barb, Bob's sister, and her husband surprised Bob and Sharon when they went to pay their rent for November. They had paid it in full. Barb snuck a note to Sister Jane Francis thanking her for what she and all of the staff at GOL do for all of those in need.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon and Bob, you two are precious. Thanks for thinking of me. You are dear to my heart.
