Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bob said things are slowly getting better. This was the best day she's had since the last report. Sharon was able to take a shower first thing this morning.

The pulmonary doctor was in about 9:30 a.m. to check on her breathing. Fluids had been building in Sharon's lungs since she was admitted into the hospital on September 8. They believe this build up occurred due to the number of IV fluids she has been receiving. Subsequently, she had to have a thoracentesis, an aspiration of fluids, performed on her left lung on Wednesday and her right lung on Thursday. They were able to remove .9 liters from her left lung and .5 liters from her right lung. Sharon began taking more of her medications in pill form vs. IV which helps reduce the fluid build up.

Sharon's team of doctors arrived around 11:00 a.m. and their consensus is that the fluid build up was caused by Sharon's rapid heart rate and atrial flutter - a condition she's had for years. Therefore, the heart muscle could not keep up with all of the liquid intake and had somewhat weakened. Normal is 50% and Sharon is now back to the 40% range after a change in her medications.

The cardiologist came in around 11:30 a.m. to check on the new medications he had prescribed the day before to counteract her rapid heart rate. All appears to be much better.

Sharon had to receive platelets and red blood today. Thursday her numbers were - Hgb: 9.6, WBC: .9, Plts: 10, and Nutrafils: .410. Today her numbers were - Hgb: 8.3, WBC: 1.0, Plts: 4, Nutrafils: .400.

Next goals are to transition from IV medications to pill form and to begin eating to eliminate the need from the liquid CPN's plus lipids. Then, back to the Gift of Life House when successful.

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