They are leaving Rochester on Friday. They are going to spend a couple of days with family in Ohio. They should arrive in Georgia Tuesday night just in time for Christmas with the boys. What a great gift for all of them.
Once she is home, she will be monitored by Dr. Ballard. She will, more than likely, have to make an occasional trip to back Rochester for check-ups/tests.
Dr. Hogan was very encouraged by her progress. He also told Sharon that initially he had not been optimistic about her outcome. She proved them all wrong. She is one tough cookie.
She had the Hickman catheter removed today. She was not placed under anesthesia during this procedure. She said they numbed the area before the removal process. She said she could feel them working a couple of times but it was not bad. They had to make an incision which has been sutured with one stitch. Bob will need to remove this in three or four days.
They have started saying their goodbyes to all of the wonderful people at the Mayo and GOL House.